
The NP-NAP investigations have an interdisciplinary approach and assume that to build new pedagogical architectures, complementary dimensions of content, forms/methodologies, student-teacher relationships and the cultural representations of participants in the educational process are needed to promote the desired changes.

The research projects being developed are:

Tranforming School Curriculum through a cross-curricular and interdisciplinary approach

Based on the principles of Project and Problem Based Learning (PPBL), cross-curricular and interdisciplinary approaches, this research project offers a course for 1,000 teachers, helping them to introduce contents related to human cultures, ethics and citizenship in the basic education schools’ curriculum.

Members: USP’s professors: Prof. Dr. Ulisses Ferreira de Araujo, Profa. Dra. Valeria Amorim Arantes. Undergraduate and Graduate Students: Juliana Franzi.

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The School and the Interactive Practices In Text Production

Literacy and the teaching of the written language have always been regarded as school’s primary goals over the years. However, even at a moment when the major challenge seems to be the digital literacy, the elementary education student’s performance concerning the mastering of the Portuguese language falls far short of the desired goals. Whence comes the interest in (re-)meaning the teaching of the written language tosupport new pedagogic guidelines and propositions. Focusing on that, the research goal is to study the collaborative text production carried in different conditions (paper or computer), and with different goals (expression of ideas, communication and problem solving). By selecting school life and actual writing as the production’s topics, the study also aims for deepening the child’s comprehension of the language, the school and problems involved.

Members: USP’s professors: Profa. Dra. Silvia de Mattos Gasparian Colello. Undergraduate and Graduate Students: Fernanda Affonso do Rego.

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The students and the appropriation of knowledge, form and pace of classes

In the set of studies on New Pedagogic Architectures, the proposition is to understand how students appropriate the knowledge, form and paces of classes taught by using the technology and logic of innovative education, in courses that aim for the continuing education of teachers and professional educators. It is to investigate, by the Completion of Course Work (CCWs), how students make use of a certain bibliography, use certain ideas, emphasize certain topics, propose and answer questions. That means to understand how students live and think education, and how the course encourages their relationship with knowledge and profession. At what point did the discussions make sense, were they valued by the students? It is worth noting that the CCWs are to be assessed, as they correspond to the productions that point out the appropriation of the course content.

Members: USP’s professors: Paula Perin Vicentini, Rita de Cássia Gallego e Vivian Batista da Silva. Undergraduate and Graduate Students: Angélica Abreu da Cunha e Andressa Livério.

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Policies and Curricula for the Training of Teachers for Basic Education:
Knowledge and Professor’s Representations

Presupposing that between the recommendations for institutionalized curricula and the effective teachers’-training actions there is a zone of representations formed by the confluence of different levels of demands and the interpretation of formative phenomena and processes, the present project seeks to analyze both the knowledge present in the curricula, and professor’s representations of two undergraduate courses training teachers for basic education at two public universities. The investigation will consider the specific context of the universities, and also the wider context in which the policies for teachers’ training in the country are formulated and implemented. The analysis will be based on authors in the field of curricula (Bernstein, Michael Young, Sacristán, Contreras, Tabachinick & Zeichner, Garcia & Moreira, Tardif & Zourhlal, Tedesco & Fanfani, among others) and will use the anthropological-dialectical approach of Henri Lefebvre as its epistemological perspective. It will also use Lefebvre’s understanding of representations in dialogue with the theorization of Serge Moscovici and his followers regarding social representations.

Members: USP’s professors: Sonia Teresinha de Sousa Penin (EDM/FE-USP), Claudia Valentina Assumpção Galian (EDM/FE-USP), Carlota Josefina Malta Cardozo dos Reis Boto (EDF/FE-USP), Maria Cecília Cortez Christiano de Souza (EDF/FE-USP), Sonia Maria Vanzella Castellar (EDM/FE-USP). Associated Researchers: Vera Teresa Valdemarim (DCE/FCL Araraquara/UNESP-SP). Undergraduate and Graduate Students: Maria Helena Bertolin Bezerra, Regina Scarpa, Afonso Andrade, Maria Vitória da Silva, Josiani Silva, Angela Figueroa, Sonia Guaraldo.

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Study of Innovative Processes in Development of
Virtual Learning Environments

This project aims at: observing the developing systems process applied in building Virtual Learning Environments; analyzing the specific features for this context and proposing innovative ways to conduct the various phases of the software development process in building such environments; and, proposing innovations for the software artifacts produced in this process. The Virtual Learning Environment, which is the object of study in this process, is developed on the Moodle platform and includes configurations for desktop and mobile devices. The platform features, as well as the need for innovation in software artifacts required for new pedagogical architectures, motivate the study and innovation in the field of systems development process.

Members: USP’s professors: Prof. Dr. Marcelo Fantinato, Profa. Dra. Sarajane Marques Peres. Undergraduate and Graduate Students: Marcos Pereira da Soledade Junior, Ricardo Sudario e Freitas, Bianca Letti, Gustavo Burin.

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Playing to learn

This project aims to Investigate a new genre of games, Alternate Reality Games or ARGs, and how their project can help students develop crucial skills for the 21st century, such as critical thinking and problem solving, communication, collaboration, creativity and innovation. Employing a multi-user online game, as the EVOKE, developed by the World Bank Institute, we are developing educational activities, practices, anchored in the real world but based on the challenges of the community, including concepts of science, mathematics and language in the process of playing and solving the challenges presented to players.

Members: USP’s professors: Prof. Dr. Ulisses Ferreira de Araujo. Associated Researchers: Reinhold Steinbeck (Stanford), Robert Hawkins (World Bank), Lucas Nobilo (USP). Undergraduate and Graduate Students: Monica Garbin (Unicamp) e Carolina Cavalcante (USP).

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Teaching How to Make Concept Maps Using Learning Itineraries

Concept maps are useful for organizing knowledge. Virtual learning environments can be structured from concept maps, creating a network of concepts and study materials. The goal of this project is to create a virtual learning environment to teach novice users how to make concept maps. The instructional material will be organized into a learning itinerary.

Members: USP’s professors: Paulo Rogério Miranda Correia. Associated Researchers: Alberto Cañas (IHMC). Undergraduate and Graduate Students: Camila Aparecida Tolentino Cicuto (PG), Joana Guilares de Aguiar (PG).

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New Architectures for Pedagogical Training of
Social Educators and Local Leaders

The Project aim is to train multipliers, students and teachers turning them into citizens capable of working together with local organizations, by creating and applying non-formal education techniques. The main product of this project will be the creation and adaptation of a methodology of creativity, addressed towards the training of social educators and local leaders, inspired on the design thinking methodology and on the particularities of Brazilian context. During the first phase, the project aims to identify, to disseminate and test the possibility of training people by using the proposed methodology together with socio-educational project leaders and organizations which aim is to achieve the social development. On the second phase, it will be offered a course of extension and cultural diffusion about the methodology identified and tested during the first phase.

Members: USP’s professors: Maria Luisa Trindade Bestetti, Patrícia Junqueira Grandino, Tania Pereira Christopoulos.

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Action, Interaction, Reflection and Observation (AIRO) in Education

In a partnership with Stanford University’s PBL Lab and introducing virtual learning tools in teachers training, thus project aims to develop a high-technology learning space that will support (i) innovative multi-modal collaboration in real-time capture of multimedia scenarios that help to solve problems involving experts and students, and (ii) the participation and awareness of participants, leading them to a significant improvement in their communication skills and strong building sense of community.

Members: USP’s professors: Prof. Dr. Ulisses Ferreira de Araujo. Associated Researchers: Renate Fruchter (Stanford University), Lucas Nobilo (USP). Undergraduate and Graduate Students: Monica Garbin (Unicamp) e Carolina Cavalcante (USP).

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Modificação nas Representações Culturais dos Participantes do Processo Educativo

A busca por indícios que permitam inferir como o currículo da Educação Física atua na constituição de identidades poderá contribuir para a elaboração de propostas mais condizentes com o atual panorama social, marcado pela desigualdade e diversidade cultural. Com base no campo dos Estudos Culturais e da teorização curricular, além das produções da Educação Física que concebem a gestualidade como forma de linguagem, a presente pesquisa tem por objetivos: analisar como as questões de identidade e diferença são mobilizadas nas aulas do componente; compreender os processos de significação empreendidos pelos sujeitos com relação às manifestações corporais – e a seus praticantes – presentes e ausentes do currículo; e identificar procedimentos didáticos empregados pelos docentes que possam sugerir valores e condutas de exaltação ou desqualificação do repertório cultural corporal constituinte dos variados grupos sociais. Para tanto, recorrer-se-á a uma bricolagem entre a etnografia e o método projetivo. Como instrumentos para coleta de dados, serão empregadas a observação participante e entrevista com os sujeitos da educação, mediante o emprego das gravações das aulas como dispositivos para evocação. A hermenêutica crítica inspirará as interpretações do material recolhido e o seu entretecimento.

Members: USP’s professors: Marcos Garcia Neira (FE-USP) e Pedro Bonetto (FE-USP).

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